Sunday, July 6, 2008

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

I watched a series recently on BBC Prime (yes, we have that in South Africa) that went by the name of Derren Brown: Trick of the Mind.

Derren Brown, is a mentalist. He uses the power of suggestion and various observations to predict thoughts and human behaviour. From the simple trick of guessing how many fingers are behind your back to the absurd feats of guessing what a man in a grocery store will buy and predicting his walking pattern.

Derren Brown has even beaten nine master's of chess simultaneously. His perception skills are amazing and the series even more. It beckoned me to read more on the subject matter and Derren Brown.
A technique that is said to be used by mentalists is NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). I stumbled upon the NLP wiki page and found the theories very interesting. The basic principles of NLP intrigued me immensely:
  • Behind every behavior there is a positive intention.
  • A person is not his or her behaviour.
  • There is no failure, only feedback.
  • The meaning of the communication is the response it produces, not the intended communication.
  • One cannot not communicate.
  • Choice is better than no choice.
  • People already have all the internal resources they need to succeed.
  • Multiple descriptions are better than one.
  • Meet people in their own unique map of the world.
This seemed like great outlook on life: life is a positive building experience. I from now on adopt those principles into my own life, even though it's theory, I will accept it as real.
Another strange thing about neuro-linguistic programming is how much the sub-conscious works in our thinking process.
If you sail through this and don't worry about going overboard on the details and I ask you to see an image in your mind; what is the most likely thing you'll see? You've got an ocean of possibilities.

Do you see it?
What did you draw in your mind?

This might not work, but just a thought. Re-read my instruction:
If you sail through this and don't worry about going overboard on the details and I ask you to see an image in your mind; what is the most likely thing you'll see? You've got an ocean of possibilities.

The chances of you drawing a boat or something water-related is much higher. You understand? If this worked. Leave me a comment!
Here are some interesting Derren Brown videos:
Derren Brown Youtube

Watch these ones especially:
He puts a gamer into his own game
Gets someone drunk without drinking
Picks up chicks


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